consoude d'Upland in French consoude panachée in French consoude voyageuse in French consuelda azul in Spanish mellomvalurt in Norwegian Bokmål mellomvalurt in Nynorsk, Norwegian ruotsinraunioyrtti in Swedish ruotsinraunioyrtti in Finnish schwedischer Beinwell in German upland comfrey in language. Symphytum x uplandicum Russian Comfrey 6.95 per 3-inch pot Add to cart About this plant Height 3 to 4 Feet Hardiness Zone 4 Flower Color Bluish-purple Characteristics Full Sun Uses Medicinal, Ornamental Growing & using Russian Comfrey This Comfrey above is very happy in its shady, well watered location. Comfrey Leaf (Symphytum uplandica) is also known as Knitbone, this is the primary herb to turn to in healing any kind of trauma or injury, especially bone. Quaker comfrey in English Ru kulsukker × læge-kulsukker in Danish Rundsporre in Swedish Russetorskmunn in Norwegian Russian Comfrey in English Russian Comfrey in English Russian comfrey in English Stribet Torskemund in Danish Strimsporre in Swedish Stripetorskemunn in Norwegian Uplandinė taukė in Lithuanian Wallwurz in German blue comfrey in English blue comfrey in language. ex Thell.) P.D.Sell Homonyms Symphytum ×uplandicum Nyman Common names Ager-Kohvede in Danish Blue Comfrey in English Comfrey in English Comfrey in English Comfrey in German Comfrey in English Consoude in French Foder-kulsukker in Danish Foder-kulsukker in Danish Futter-Beinwell in German Futter-Beinwell in German Futter-Beinwell in German Futter-Beinwell, Comfrey in German Futterbeinwell in German Ginstsporre in Swedish Härmäkannusruoho in Finnish Juovakannusruoho in Finnish Peltomaitikka in Finnish Pukvete in Swedish Quaker Comfrey in English Quaker comfrey in language. lilacinum (Buckn.) P.D.Sell Symphytum xperegrinum Symphytum xuplandicum Nyman Symphytum ×coeruleum Petitm. It occurs naturally in Caucasus region where it grows in waste areas and disturbed soils. It represents the economically most important kind of comfrey.

peregrinum auct.) is a common hybrid between Symphytum officinale and S. It has only narrow wings on the main stalk, and they end between the internodes. Symphytum uplandicum TheSilverSageShoppe (22) 6. asperum ), and grows four to six feet tall.

discolor (Buckn.) P.D.Sell Symphytum uplandicum f. Russian comfrey or Quaker comfrey ( Symphytum × uplandicum, syn. x uplandicum) is a hybrid between common comfrey ( S. densiflorum (Buckn.) P.D.Sell Symphytum uplandicum f. caeruleum (Petitm.) P.D.Sell Symphytum uplandicum f. Name Synonyms Symphytum asperum x officinale Symphytum asperum × officinale Symphytum caeruleum Petitm.